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another randomness
Thursday, January 10, 2013

checking all my blogs (yaelah) ada berapa blog sih gw punya.. coba dihitung satu satu
livejournal, atleast gw punya akun lah yah buat 'syarat' donlod :p
ameblo, entah apa ini, amebo has cute stuff, but unfortunately they used japanese language for the most, ngerti lah dikit dikit. tapi itu di ameblo kebanyakan iklan, nih contohnya http://ameblo.jp/mademoizell3

terus jadi kepikiran tentang nasib EHD gw yg ilang dirampok orang beserta laptopnya (masih belum bisa move on) isi tuh EHD buanyaaakkk banget data data penting, misal koleksi Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon gw dari MP3, anime, live action, sailor musical de el el yang mau ga' mau harus gw hunting ulang dari sekarang *ugh*

data Nodame Cantabile gw jugaaaaaa, drama2 gw sama filem2, beserta berpuluh puluh giga MP3 lagu2 metal *halah* (kayak gini dibilang data2 penting yah) xD
penting sih, soalnya ada beberapa materi design, tutorial video yang gw beli sama data2 pdf yang entah sekarang gw lupa kalo mau donlod lagi dimana

paragraf satu sama paragraf 2-3 ga' nyambung sangat (-___-)

ditambah tadi mau ikutan HMFF 2013, jujur ga jago decor barbie wkwkwk
iseng aja sih, tapi pas daftar katanya suruh ikutan yg Potluck juga, hadeuh
what should I bake/made for this exchange potluck?

now let's watch this episode, gw mau dong pre-wed nanti kayak gini :D

12:10:00 PM | 0 Comment

theHeartcake part.2
Thursday, January 03, 2013

there isn't any cup-cat anymore, it was deleted, I decided very well :p
then anyone.. I announce if HC (theHeartcake) has two officially blogs ;
01. http://www.theheartcake.com/whats-new.html
02. http://the-heartcake.blogspot.com

oh yah don't forget too, if you Instagram's user follow us :D
twitter user ? then follow this
http://twitter.com/the_Heartcake (I'll try to update as far I can)

Happy Belated New Year anyone, see what I bought at Hoka Hoka Bento, after purchase some meals you get this calendar and agenda for 20K only, cute Kabuki Illustration inside :3

warmest regards from me and wishing this year (a MUST) better better better than last year ;)



4:08:00 PM | 0 Comment

I feel a Heartcake
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

yo.. cuma sekedar info kalau blog gw yang judulnya alover4aletter.blogspot.com dah resmi di delet, karena ga guna juga punya blog banyak2 tapi ga pernah update *face-palm* walopun aga' sayang juga sih lumayan banyak curhatan disana yang galau super ajaib :D

blog yang ini pun tampak jarang gaul, see.. postingan taun kapan yah dibawah hehe :p
well.. well.. I still use this blog as my interest to hand-craft & love-craft, to my very very very personal random thoughts and quotes you can visit here :)

I feel a Heartcake...
curious? well another project for baking, what the difference between cup-cat?
the answer is Cup-Cat is my personal project and theHeartcake is our mind to spread love by Cakes and Cookies, nuff said (^3^)

11:41:00 AM | 0 Comment

marry me mary
Saturday, April 09, 2011

doa' hari ini ...

ya الله ... aku ingin menikah
dengan pria yang hari ini aku berjalan di belakangnya :)

I can't say too much
... thinking ... maybe this is my latest wish after three and half years

why? My loyalty towards him didn't change, after the years passed?
(the last meeting wasn't it on last year at the same month?)

it's so comfortable, even only seeing his back, I wonder why?

10:30:00 PM | 0 Comment

bikin side-blog lagi :D
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

ga akan hiatus kok dari blog ini
cuma mau misahin aja... yah anggaplah blog yg satunya lagi yg sedang saya buat buat sharing hobi kuliner, walopun masih banyak salahnya tuh, namanya juga pemula, saya hanya mikir kalo memasak itu bukanlah suatu keharusan tapi melainkan sebuah pilihan, anggap aja baru dapet hidayah :D
draft blognya disini
tapi nanti pasti bakal diubah lagi namanya, bingung cari nama apa yah @_@
blog titlenya juga jayus banget, apa coba hubungan KimJae dan Cupcakes, akan lebih masuk sih kalo dihubungan sama Kimchi, wahahahaha poor KimJae :p
it just I put 'My' same as before this blog's title: 'My'demoiselle's corner hehe

ah itu foto pas si ucing masih belum melahirkan, aga' ga nyambung memang dengan postingannya :|

11:33:00 AM | 0 Comment


playing Moonlight Densetsu
ムーンライト伝説 [paris vr.]

Welcome to my another page. I just posted something ordinary and simple here, no lovelorn, just only lovecrafts.

follow me..



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another randomness
theHeartcake part.2
I feel a Heartcake
marry me mary
bikin side-blog lagi :D
Happy Eid Mubarak
a bunch of black stones
reddish not a diva
Bracelet, Necklace & Anklet Measurements

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